The Priestley Academy Trust’s Scheme of Delegation sets out what the Local Governing Board is responsible for. To view the Scheme of Delegation on the Trust’s website, please click the following link: Statutory Documentation – Priestley
The Local Governing Board is a committee of the Trust Board. To view the terms of reference for the Local Governing Boards, please click the following link: Trust Committees – Priestley
Contacting governors
You can contact the Governors via the school office, either by email or by post:
Margaret McMillan Primary School
Scotchman Road
Bradford, BD9 5DF
Current list of Governors
Parent Governors (elected by parent body)
Nazia Younas
Term of Office: 07/11/2022 to 06/11/2026
Link Governor Responsibilities: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Relevant Business Interests: Taits Pharmacy
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Family members work as TLP and Cover Supervisor at MMPS.
Attendance 2022-23: 3/3 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings
Staff Governors (elected by staff, except the Headteacher who serves as a governor ex office)
John Grimshaw
Term of Office: 26/05/2021 to 25/05/2025
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2020-21: 1/1 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 2/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 2/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 2/3 meetings
Richard Walker – Headteacher
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2021-22: 3/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 2/2 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings
Co-opted Governors (appointed by Trustees)
Elizabeth Hellmich MBE – Chair
Term of Office: 27/03/2015 to 26/03/2019, 2nd term 27/03/2019 to 26/03/2023, 3rd term 27/03/2023 to 26/03/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: Safeguarding/Attendance and achievement/Wellbeing/Communication
Relevant Business Interests: Heaton St Barnabas CE Primary School
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Millan Centre
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2020-21: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 5/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 3/3 meetings
Basharat Hussain – Vice Chair
Term of Office: 27/03/2015 to 26/03/2019, 2nd term 27/03/2019 to 26/03/2023, 3rd term 27/03/2023 to 31/07/2025
Link Governor Responsibilities: Leadership and management/Appraisal/New governor induction
Relevant Business Interests: Works at Shipley College
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Spouse works as a member of support staff at MMPS
Attendance 2020-21: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 4/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 2/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 2/3 meetings
Huma Javed
Term of Office: 05/06/2023 to 04/06/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: Personal Development/Pupil voice/Attitudes to learning
Relevant Business Interests: NHS Mental Health Support Team
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Father is a Member of The PAT
Attendance 2022-23: 1/1 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 2/3 meetings
Nabila Akhtar
Term of Office: 09/09/2024 to 08/09/2028
Link Governor Responsibilities: Effective implementation of the curriculum
Relevant Business Interests: Member of staff at Lilycroft Primary School
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2023-24: n/a
Governors who have served during the past year
Mohammed Jaleel Ahmed
Term of Office: 14/01/2020 to 13/01/2024, 2nd term 14/01/2024 to 04/11/2024
Link Governor Responsibilities: Effective implementation of the curriculum
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: Sister works as a Lunchtime Supervisor at MMPS
Attendance 2020-21: 3/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 3/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 1/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 1/3 meetings
Attendance 2024-25: 0/1 meetings
Lorraine Martin – Former Headteacher
Relevant Business Interests: None
Other Educational Establishments Governed: None
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None
Attendance 2020-21: 4/4 meetings
Attendance 2021-22: 5/5 meetings
Attendance 2022-23: 3/4 meetings
Attendance 2023-24: 1/1 meetings
Jenny Wilson
Term of Office: 27/06/2023 to 26/06/2027
Link Governor Responsibilities: N/A
Relevant Business Interests: Just Mortgages (self-employed trading under JM)
Other Educational Establishments Governed: Committee member of Shelf Pre-school
Relationship with Members of School Staff: None.
Attendance 2022-23: N/A
Attendance 2023-24: 0/3 meetings