Religious Education

Through RE, we aim to prepare students for the spiritual and intellectual challenges of living in a world with diverse religions and beliefs. We aim to stimulate interest and nurture understanding of religion/worldviews, while also contributing to pupils’ awareness of and sensitivity to diversity in our communities and world.

The RE lessons delivered at Margaret McMillan Primary School:
• Enable learners to develop a broad and balanced understanding of religions/worldviews.
• Empower learners to develop and use critical thinking skills.
• Broaden perspectives of faiths and cultures, encouraging tolerance of diversity.
• Allows children to develop their own personal worldview, identity, values and spirituality.
• Contribute to developing learners as positive, participating citizens of the world.

Bradford Agreed Syllabus:

Parents and Carers have the right to withdrawn their child from all or part of RE. Please contact the office if you wish to do so.