School Uniforms

The school has a dress code and the school colours are green and yellow. All clothing should be labelled with the child’s name. Children are expected to wear the following:

Clothing for PE (year 1 to Year 6)

Tracksuits may be worn in cold weather during the winter months or for outdoor PE sessions, which will be indicated by the class teacher.

If children wish to cover their legs during PE, please make sure that close fit leggings are worn for indoor PE and gymnastics for safety reasons.

Book Bags


Hairstyles should be reasonable and appropriate for being in a learning environment at school. Hair accessories should be simple and plain. Extreme hairstyles would include shaved patterns in the scalp, Mohicans and unnaturally coloured dyes. Such hairstyles are not acceptable at school children will work in isolation or be sent home in extreme circumstances.


Small stud earrings, the Muslim Ta’wiz and items of religious significance may be worn. Glass and metal decorative bangles should NOT be worn to school. Parents who allow their children to wear expensive jewellery and/or clothing do so at their own risk.

To view our Uniform Policy, please visit our Policies Page
via the link below:
