Pupil Roles and Responsibilities
Eco Warriors
One pupil in each class from years 3-6 are selected to be an Eco Warrior. Here is Faiz in Rowling class explaining his role.
What are you responsible for in your job as an Eco Warrior?
In my job I am responsible for our school environment. I must make sure we have a safe, clean and healthy atmosphere around school.
What skills do you need as an Eco Warrior?
To be an eco- warrior you need to be fair and helpful. You need to be able to answer questions about our school environment. You need to be willing to take care of the school and to work with others. You need to take turns and ensure that you listen to everyone’s ideas. You need to be trustworthy and reliable and to do your job properly.
What is your favourite part of your job?
My favourite parts of the job are going around the school and monitoring classrooms every day. I take the scrap paper and old milk bottles to be recycled and ensure the school environment is tidy.
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School Council
Every class in Years 3-6 elects one pupil to be their representative on the school council. There are 12 pupils on the school council. Here is Fatima in Mandela class explaining her role.
What are you responsible for in your job as a School Councillor?
This year we I am the secretary of the school council and we have been working on whole school projects to improve our school and make it the best we can. As a school councillor you have to be a role model for other pupils and you have to share what other children want in our school with the council. As the secretary I have to help chair meetings and take notes. One of most recent jobs was deciding on the winners of our Eid card competition and then we go to assemblies to present the prizes.
What skills do you need as a School Councillor?
You need to be able to interact with other pupils and share your opinion whilst listening to others ideas. You should value other people’s opinions even if they are different to your own and take your job seriously.
What is your favourite part of your job?
I love being able to interact with different people and to do things that can make a difference to our school. I feel this job is a great way to understand other people’s thoughts and views and it feels like I’m part of something important that makes a difference.
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Sports Leaders
There are 12 sports leaders in our school, one from each class in years 3-6. Here is Anaya in Pankhurst class explaining her role.
What are you responsible for in your job as a Sports Leader?
I help to make lunchtimes fun for other children. We make up games and encourage other children to join in games so they are happy and build confidence. We make sure everyone is entertained and has a great time over playtime and lunch.
What skills do you need as a Sports Lead?
You need to be happy (not grumpy) and need to be sensible (but still fun!). You need to enjoy sport and being and active and you should like playing with other children and not mind giving up your dinner breaks to help others.
What is your favourite part of your job?
Seeing other children smile when they are having fun or when you’ve helped them to make a friend. You also get to have lots of fun because you are also playing with other children. I just love the experience of being a sports lead- it’s so much fun.
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Junior Librarian
All children in years 3-6 were invited to apply for the role of Junior Librarian. Following an interview process, the best applicants were selected. Here is Hibba in Mandela class explaining her role.
What are you responsible for in your job as a Junior Librarian?
As a Junior Librarian we get to talk to pupils about books and we share with them what we like and we might recommend something to read. We take care of the library so everyone can enjoy it. We get to help organise whole school events like the World Book Day competitions and talk to pupils in assembly. We get to share our love of reading with other people.
What skills do you need as a Junior Librarian?
You need to read lots and be able to talk about what you like and don’t like about books. You need to be good at talking and describing because you are recommending books. You need to be friendly and approachable and understand that not everyone will like the same kind of thing.
What is your favourite part of your job?
Talking to adults and other pupils about books. My favourite book at the moment is the Dream Snatcher by Abi Elphinstone- I like it because it’s full of adventure and mystery.
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Early Years Associate
Early Years Associates are a small group of year 6 pupils who volunteer to help in foundation stage. Here is Mason in Rowling class explaining his role.
What are you responsible for in your job as an Early Years Associate?
I spend my lunchtime in Early Years showing the younger children how to play on the Reception playground. I show them how to stay safe and teach them games they can play with their friends or with me.
What skills do you need as an Early Years Associate?
You need to be really kind and thoughtful. You also have to be patient. We are role models for the younger children so it’s important we show them how to behave by modelling it ourselves.
What is your favourite part of your job?
I like playing with the younger children and they enjoy playing with me. I like that I get to help them with games and to help solve problems if they fall out.
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Peer Mentor
Peer Mentors are a small group of year 5 pupils who volunteer to mentor children in KS1. Here is Rida in Ennis class explaining her role.
What are you responsible for in your job as a Peer Mentor?
I have to listen to other children and help them out with things like their times tables or I might listen to them read or with their learn by hearts- a bit like a support teacher.
What skills do you need as a Peer Mentor?
You need to be a really good listener, be friendly, a good reader and be able to talk to other people. I have to be responsible for things and make sure I go to classes at the correct time.
What is your favourite part of your job?
It’s really cool because I get to work with other children in school and I like feeling like I’m doing a proper job.
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Reading Volunteer
Reading Volunteers are a small group of year 6 pupils who volunteer to help younger children with their reading. Here is Izzah in Malala class explaining her role.
What are you responsible for in your job as a Reading Volunteer?
Sometimes I read with the children 1:1 and sometimes I help children choose books in the class library. I listen to children read and encourage them to summarise and ask questions to see if they understand what the book is about. We have to be role models for reading.
What skills do you need as a Reading Volunteer?
You need to have a good understanding of vocabulary because you need to really understand what a younger child is reading so you can help them. I think it’s important to have patience as sometimes the child you’re reading with says they can’t do it so you have to tell them ‘you can’ and encourage them to believe in themselves.
What is your favourite part of your job?
Seeing them get better at reading and knowing you helped them. Being with the younger children makes me feel really proud that I can teach them. I would definitely say to another pupil, ‘read with younger children it’s really great’. I like to feel helpful and I know being a volunteer reader helps someone else.
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Digital Leader
A Digital Leader is selected from each class in years 3-6. Here is Adam in Nightingale class explaining his role.
What are you responsible for in your job as a Digital Leader?
Helping people when they get stuck and don’t know what to do- sometimes that might mean supporting them logging on and showing them what they need to do.
What skills do you need as a Digital Leader?
You need to understand how to find different programmes on the computer and show people how to type things in. You need to be kind and understanding when people get stuck.
What is your favourite part of your job?
It’s a really fun job because I like computers and I get to work with them and also help other children which makes me feel good.
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