Year 2

Year 2 has children aged 6-7 years old. We have 3 classes in year 2, with 30 pupils in each class.

The classes are named after famous people, They are Hawking, Galileo and Sharman.

The teachers for 2024/25 are Mrs Gornall and Mrs Stowell in Hawking, Miss Long in Galileo and Miss Aziz in Sharman. They are supported by Teaching and Learning Partners Mrs Nafis, Mrs Qureshi, Miss Khan, Mrs Bashir and Miss Arshad.

What will we be learning this year?

Autumn 1 Term

Curriculum Theme: Mirpur – Comparison of a Non-European area with an area of the UK.
Literacy: Animal Description – African animal (developing handwriting), Poetry – Misty by Shirley Hughes and My Treasures by Kate Wakeling.
Supporting texts: The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson.
Science: Animals including Humans and Habitats.
Maths: Place value, Addition and Subtraction.

Autumn 2 Term

Curriculum Theme: Mirpur – Comparison of a Non-European area with an area of the UK (Continued)
Literacy: Non-chronological Report – Monster inspired by ‘Don’t open this Book’ by Andy Lee.
Supporting texts: Don’t open this Book by Andy Lee.
Science: Animals including Humans and Habitats.
Maths: Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Division.

Spring 1 Term

Curriculum Theme: Why were the Victorians significant?
Literacy:  Diary Entry of a Victorian child.
Science: Plants
Maths: Fractions, Money/ Time.

Spring 2 Term

Curriculum Theme: Why were the Victorians significant? (Continued)
Literacy:  Narrative: Short Story inspired the works of Charles Dickens.
Supporting texts: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
Science: Plants
Maths: Geometry.

Summer 1 Term

Curriculum Theme: Coasts
Literacy: Newspaper report – non-fiction inspired by Victorians.
Science: Materials
Maths: Place value – Revision, Addition and Subtraction – Revision.

Summer 2 Term

Curriculum Theme: Coasts (continued)
Literacy: Description of a Seaside Setting.
Science: Materials
Maths: Position, Time.