Reading and Phonics

At Margaret McMillan Primary School we want our children to develop into confident readers who have a love of words and books . We want all our children to develop a comprehensive understanding of texts and be able to apply these skills in different contexts. This journey starts as soon as children enter our school in Nursery and continues through to Year 6 where we prepare them to be ready for the move into secondary. We use a range of strategies to make this happens and weave reading throughout every strand of learning.

As a school we teach phonics and early reading using the Little Wandle programme which is taught daily to pupils In Reception and Year 1. Year 2 pupils continue this journey following the Little Wandle spelling and fluency reading programme.

Each class in school has a personalised book spine featuring key authors and a range of text genres which is chosen by pupils and teachers and adapted each year to meet the interests of individual cohorts.

Our school library provides opportunities to stretch pupils reading further with additional authors and book collections that are chosen to tempt and enthuse our budding readers.

Reading Assessment Documents:

Reception and Year 1:

Year 2 and Year 3:

Year 4 and Year 5:
Year 5 and Year 6:
