Personal Development

Promoting Personal Development across the curriculum

ENGLISH contributes to children’s personal development through:

  • Developing confidence and expertise in language, which is an important aspect of individual and social identity;
  • Enabling pupils to understand and engage with the feelings and values embodied in high quality poetry, fiction, drama, film and television;
  • Developing pupils’ awareness of moral and social issues in fiction, journalism, magazines, radio, television and film;
  • Helping pupils to understand how language changes over time, the influences on spoken, and written language and social attitudes to the use of language.

MATHEMATICS can provide a contribution to children’s personal development by:

  • Enabling pupils to acknowledge the important contribution made by mathematics in all cultures.

SCIENCE contributes to children’s personal development through:

  • Encouraging pupils to reflect on the wonder of the natural world;
  • Awareness of the ways that science and technology can affect society and the environment;
  • Consideration of the moral dilemmas that can result in scientific developments;
  • Showing respect for differing opinions, on creation for example;
  • Co-operation in practical activity;
  • Raising awareness that scientific developments are the product of many different cultures.

COMPUTING contributes to children’s personal development through:

  • Preparing the children for the challenges of living and learning in a technologically-enriched, increasingly inter-connected world;
  • Making clear the guidelines about the ethical use of the internet;
  • Acknowledging advances in technology and appreciation for human achievement.

GEOGRAPHY contributes to children’s personal development through:

  • Opportunities for reflection on the creation, earth’s origins, future and diversity are given;
  • Reflection on the fair distribution of the earth’s resources and issues surrounding climate change;
  • Studies of people and physical geography gives our children the chance to reflect on the social and cultural characteristics of society.

HISTORY makes a contribution to children’s personal development by:

  • Looking at the creation and evolution of British society;
  • Enabling pupils to reflect on issues such as slavery, the holocaust and Imperialism;
  • Showing an awareness of the moral implications of the actions of historical figures.

ART contributes to personal development by:

  • Art lessons develop children’s aesthetic appreciation
  • In turn Art evokes feelings of ‘awe’ and ‘wonder’;
  • Giving pupils the chance to reflect on nature, their environment and surroundings.

DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY lessons make a particular contribution to children’s personal development through:

  • Refection on products and inventions, the diversity of material and ways in which design can improve the quality of our lives;
  • Awareness of the moral dilemmas created by technological advances;
  • How different cultures have contributed to technology;
  • Opportunities to work as a team, recognising others’ strengths, sharing equipment.

Children’s personal development is actively promoted through P.E. by:

  • Activities involving co-operation, teamwork, competition, rules, self-discipline and fair play;
  • Exploring the sports and traditions of a variety of cultures.
  • Individual activities that provide the opportunity for self-reflection, awareness and challenge.